Section 19, MAR lays down rules regarding transactions carried out by Person Discharging Managerial Responsibilities (PDMR) and their associated persons. In this context, PDMR is understood to mean a person in Flexion Mobile PLC’s (Company) leadership, administration or supervisory groups, or executives who are not included in any of these groups but have regular access to insider information and authority to take decisions on managerial level, which affect the future development and prospects of the Company.

Under Section 19, MAR Flexion Mobile is obligated to: i) keep a record of all persons in key positions and their associates; ii) in writing remind persons in key positions of their obligations under Section 19, MAR. Under Section 19, PDMRs are obligated to: i) without undue delay inform the Company and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) about changes in shares issued by Flexion Mobile and other related financial instruments, never later than 3 business days after a day of transaction; and ii) in writing remind associates of their obligations under Section 19 MAR

Under Section 19, the Company is obligated to make PDMR related transaction public no later than 3 business days after a day of transaction. As the FCA’s PDMR register is not public, the Company will present PDMR related transactions on its web page to disclose them publicly. The transaction reporting is restricted by a threshold value of EUR 5,000 per calendar year per PMDR. The transaction that reaches or exceeds this threshold and all subsequent transactions during the calendar year shall be reported.

PDMRs are allowed to trade securities issued by the Company during a 30 day window following the disclosure of quarterly and annual reports and financial statements subject to not using any insider information. PDMR’s are barred from making short term gains on trades in securities issued by the Company.

PDMR related transactions

NamePositionDate of Transaction:Date of Notification to Company:Number of Shares Purchased:Number of Shares Sold:Share Price (SEK):
Palmstierna Invest ABAssociated to Carl Palmstierna (Chairman)02/07/201806/07/201828,000 8.32
Palmstierna Invest ABAssociated to Carl Palmstierna (Chairman)03/07/201806/07/201855,020 8.50
Palmstierna Invest ABAssociated to Carl Palmstierna (Chairman)04/07/2018 06/07/201816,980 8.24
Palmstierna Invest ABAssociated to Carl Palmstierna (Chairman)25/11/201927/11/2019 26,340 9.06
Palmstierna Invest ABAssociated to Carl Palmstierna (Chairman)26/11/201927/11/2019 19,219 9.10
Palmstierna Invest ABAssociated to Carl Palmstierna (Chairman)27/11/201927/11/2019 4,441 9.09
Barn Storm Media ABAssociated to Claes Kalborg (Director)03/12/201904/12/2019 14,8009.00
Barn Storm Media ABAssociated to Claes Kalborg (Director)10/12/201912/12/2019 14,8009.00
Niklas KoresaarCFO17/12/201917/12/2019 10,000 7.05
Palmstierna Invest ABAssociated to Carl Palmstierna (Chairman)17/12/201917/12/2019 19,500 7.29
Niklas KoresaarCFO18/03/202018/03/2020 7,500 5.50
Palmstierna Invest ABAssociated to Carl Palmstierna (Chairman)11/06/202012/06/2020 50,000 9.39
Palmstierna Invest ABAssociated to Carl Palmstierna (Chairman)03/12/202003/12/2020 279,72014.30
Mobile Sensations LtdAssociated to Jens and Per Lauritzson (Directors)03/12/202003/12/2020 699,30014.30
Mobile Sensations LtdAssociated to Jens and Per Lauritzson (Directors)03/12/202003/12/2020 7,013,984*0
Mobile Sensations LtdAssociated to Jens and Per Lauritzson (Directors)15/12/202017/12/20205,576,222** 0
Mobile Sensations LtdAssociated to Jens and Per Lauritzson (Directors)29/12/202029/12/20201,437,762** 0
Mobile Sensations LtdAssociated to Jens and Per Lauritzson (Directors)07/01/202107/01/2021 1,437,762*0
Barn Storm Media ABAssociated to Claes Kalborg (Director)11/02/202113/02/2021 400021.56
Barn Storm Media ABAssociated to Claes Kalborg (Director)12/02/202113/02/2021 200021.8
Mobile Sensations LtdAssociated to Jens and Per Lauritzson (Directors)23/02/202123/02/20211,437,762** 0
Mobile Sensations LtdAssociated to Jens and Per Lauritzson (Directors)27/05/202127/05/2021100,000 12.85
Mobile Sensations LtdAssociated to Jens and Per Lauritzson (Directors)27/05/202127/05/202110,509 12.46
Palmstierna Invest ABAssociated to Carl Palmstierna (Chairman)24/08/202124/08/2021 100,00016.25
Mikael PawloDirector24/08/202124/08/2021100,000 16.25
Mikael PawloDirector25/08/202125/08/202112,000 16.90
Palmstierna Invest ABAssociated to Carl Palmstierna (Chairman)18/11/202118/11/202150,000 16.24
Mikael PawloDirector18/11/202118/11/20216,535 15.30
Palmstierna Invest ABAssociated to Carl Palmstierna (Chairman)18/05/202218/05/202250,000 14.11
Jens LaurtizsonDirector / CEO09/09/202209/09/202274,000 *** GBP 0.32 ***
Mobile Sensations LtdAssociated to Jens and Per Lauritzson (Directors)23/9/202223/9/202225,000 15.98
Mobile Sensations LtdAssociated to Jens and Per Lauritzson (Directors)29/11/202229/11/2022 2,100,000*0
Mobile Sensations LtdAssociated to Jens and Per Lauritzson (Directors)30/11/202230/11/202210,000 15.53
Mobile Sensations LtdAssociated to Jens and Per Lauritzson (Directors)30/11/202230/11/202210,000 14.84
Niklas KoresarCFO09/12/202209/12/2022437,500 *** 6.98
Adrian KotowskiHead Influencer Marketing12/12/202212/12/20228,000 13.79
Mobile Sensations LtdAssociated to Jens and Per Lauritzson (Directors)13/12/202213/12/20222,100,000** 0
Jens LauritzsonDirector29/03/202331/03/2023 1,05016.30
Jens LauritzsonDirector30/03/202331/03/2023 2,99816.46
Jens LauritzsonDirector31/03/202331/03/2023 69,95716.30
Mobile Sensations LtdAssociated to Jens and Per Lauritzson (Directors)31/03/202331/03/202372,957 16.30
Mikael PawloDirector16/05/202316/05/202313,310 14.65
Per LauritzsonDirector19/05/202320/05/202361,750*** 4.00
Andreas Mac MahonManager19/05/202320/05/202361,750*** 4.00
Per LauritzsonDirector19/05/202320/05/2023 61,75014.25
Mobile Sensations LtdAssociated to Jens and Per Lauritzson (Directors)22/05/202323/05/202361,500 14.25
Andreas Mac MahonManager23/05/202323/05/2023 61,75014.80
Mobile Sensations LtdAssociated to Jens and Per Lauritzson (Directors)22/05/202323/05/202361,884 14.80
Jens LauritzsonDirector29/05/202330/05/20236,323 12.95
Jens LauritzsonDirector30/05/202330/05/20232,822 12.85
Jens LauritzsonDirector07/06/2023 09/06/20234,891 12.79
Jens LauritzsonDirector12/06/2023 14/06/2023899 12.56
Jens LauritzsonDirector16/06/2023 18/06/2023515 12.90
Jens LauritzsonDirector21/06/2023 23/06/2023544 11.80
Benjamin CrawfordDirector22/08/202324/08/2023135,291 10.85
Mobile Sensations LtdAssociated to Jens and Per Lauritzson (Directors)22/08/202324/08/202376,727 10.89
Benjamin CrawfordDirector23/08/202325/08/20235,000 11.20
Mobile Sensations LtdAssociated to Jens and Per Lauritzson (Directors)23/08/202325/08/20234,678 10.97
Mobile Sensations LtdAssociated to Jens and Per Lauritzson (Directors)24/08/202326/08/20231,389 10.99
Mobile Sensations LtdAssociated to Jens and Per Lauritzson (Directors)25/08/202327/08/20231,049 11.00
Mobile Sensations LtdAssociated to Jens and Per Lauritzson (Directors)28/08/202330/08/202314,981 11.37
Mobile Sensations LtdAssociated to Jens and Per Lauritzson (Directors)29/08/202330/08/20234,739 11.47
Mobile Sensations LtdAssociated to Jens and Per Lauritzson (Directors)01/09/202304/09/202358211.30
Benjamin CrawfordDirector28/09/202302/10/2023672 10.90
Benjamin CrawfordDirector29/09/202302/10/202315,763 10.90
Palmstierna Invest ABAssociated to Carl Palmstierna (Chairman)29/12/202329/12/202320,0008.41
Benjamin CrawfordDirector29/12/202329/12/202320,0008.50
Mobile Sensations LtdAssociated to Jens and Per Lauritzson (Directors)29/12/202329/12/202312,1958.53
Benjamin CrawfordDirector09/01/202410/01/20246,3008.00
Benjamin CrawfordDirector10/01/202410/01/202450,0008.00
Mikael PawloDirector20/03/202420/03/202411,5038.29
Palmstierna Invest ABAssociated to Carl Palmstierna (Chairman)20/03/202420/03/202430,0008.18
Adrian KotowskiHead Influencer Marketing21/03/202422/03/202410,0008.80
Benjamin CrawfordDirector25/06/202427/06/202420,0009.50

* Lending of shares to enable the issuing agent to settle a fund raise before the issuing company (Flexion Mobile Plc) have time to send shares to the issuing agent. The shares will be repaid after the issuing company have issued shares to the issuing agent i.e. the lending of shares has no economical impact on the share lender.
** Repayment of shares by the issuing agent as described above.
*** EMI Staff Options